A place to untangle and get thoughts worth remembering out of my brain before I forget them.
How it started Recently at work due to certain complicated reasons, we are looking for a dockerless solution to build docker images for our mostly Java based applications. Jib from...
Introduction Recently at work, we were asked to implement an API allowing our downstream system to trigger some data processing job on demand. This data processing job requires certain input...
A short introduction to Apache Beam Shameless stealing below introduction from Apache Beam’s official page: Apache Beam is an open-source, unified programming model for batch and streaming data processing pipelines...
In my last post, I have explored how to make springdoc-openapi works with protobuf. However despite working, you will soon realize the solution was not perfect and there are some...
What is going on? Recently at work, we are trying to be fancy just like any other cool devs and decide to switch from boring vanilla JSON based RESTful API...
TL;DR Intel Hyper-Threading won’t double your cores for free but it does improve your system’s overall throughput to certain extent. The story begins here… Recently at work we are building...
This project is maintained by EternalWind